Blog categorized as News
13.06.18 12:52 AM - Comment(s)
23.05.18 07:30 PM - Comment(s)
12.04.18 07:54 PM - Comment(s)
23.03.18 01:00 AM - Comment(s)
You might not need to wave a design-wand and give your kitchen a make-over, but remember the wise old adage: a change is as good as a feast. And it’s in your kitchen that you prepare the feasts for your family and friends to devour, not so? So, if you decide it’s time to inject your culinary craft w...
With the right attitude of gratitude, every day in one’s life can feel like a birthday celebration: opening one’s eyes to the start of a new day of infinitely fascinating diversity. With each of our senses we can soak up the invaluable gifts that stimulate joy in us: the faces, voices and touch of o...
Few would argue that, for each of us, our bedroom is equivalent to a castle: it is the most important space you possess, because it is the only one that is uniquely yours. Every other room in the house is of necessity a compromise in that it must fulfill needs involving others, whereas your bedroom ...
San-Marié Interior Design (formerly Udumo Group) offers the perfect partnership for all our clients. Our BEE status and mandate ensure a win-win for all parties.
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