Blog tagged as memories

Reasons why we love celebrating life: baby showers, birthdays, weddings …

With the right attitude of gratitude, every day in one’s life can feel like a birthday celebration: opening one’s eyes to the start of a new day of infinitely fascinating diversity. With each of our senses we can soak up the invaluable gifts that stimulate joy in us: the faces, voices and touch of o...

12.04.18 07:54 PM - Comment(s)
Making memories: How to arrange a photo feature wall

Your precious photographs do not belong in the dark, hidden recesses of a computer. Create your own photo gallery to bring them to light and reflect the artist in you! This can seem daunting, but with some practical and creative advice on how, you should be able to find the result that suits your ta...

07.11.17 11:01 PM - Comment(s)