Blog categorized as News

Trending or Timeless: your choice in interiors
You know that feeling that you get when you walk into a house? That sense of personality that a space can affect depending on the choice of décor? There’s either a sense of stability, grace and settled comfort – or a more modern, edgy engagement where the statement is clearly ‘now’ or even futuristi...
29.05.19 12:07 AM - Comment(s)
Mindful Décor: how environmental awareness influences mood
The juxtaposition of mind and surroundings is ever with us. We are continually influenced by the way an exterior experience makes us feel – and that includes the way we perceive simple things around us such as furniture, lighting, colour.
20.03.19 02:30 AM - Comment(s)
Showhouse and Home Interiors: tips and tricks to be the most impressive
Bringing any house into the light in order to present it at its best may not necessarily prove to be an expensive exercise. What you really need is vision and imagination – and a canny knowledge of light and perspective. Here are some tips and tricks to assure that any house on display will show its...
19.02.19 07:43 PM - Comment(s)
Corporate Interior Design: pinning the flag to the mast
Designing a business space can be both challenging and intriguing because there is so much more to this type of project than residential interior. A commercial structure will demand far more in impact and functionality and thus far more to explore before a designer can put creative ideas to paper.
22.01.19 05:51 AM - Comment(s)
Six questions to San-Marie Vogel on the Topic of Set Design
RoepTV, South Africa’s first online streaming service with exclusive Christian content launched on 1 September. Udumo Group was primarily responsible for the design and set-up of all their respective sets. San-Marie sheds some light on this niche design skill.
13.09.18 02:23 AM - Comment(s)