Blog categorized as News

Our homes: an extension of our personalities

The word “home” is multi-layered: for most of us it envelopes every important and treasured memory reaching right back to our childhood. Home evokes comforting images and emotions related to family and loved ones, to where we’ve come from, and what we’ve since become. It is the place to which we alw...

03.10.17 09:07 PM - Comment(s)
The interior trends you’ll be loving in 2017

Just splurged on some marble and copper homewares? You may want to stop reading. While it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year, trend forecasters and designers are already thinking well into 2017 – and there’s a big shake up of interior trends predicted.

“In Australia, our proli...

06.02.17 10:18 PM - Comment(s)